On this page you will find the registration form and the rules
Why to sign in?
Buyers contact you directly and there are no sales commissions
You send texts and photos and we publish it for you (no effort to learn to publish)
On your page You have:
- biography
- critical texts
- works
- link to your events published on our sites
- link to yours video
Price: for one year from the date of registration
Cost/year € 25 ( Vat included)
Up to 24 works
Artist send text and photo to info@meloarte.net
It will be published by Meloarte in the artist’s page
Up to 24 works and biography, texts, link to events in www.melobox.it and link to your video.
Cost/year € 60 ( Vat included)
Up to 60 works
Artist send text and photo to info@meloarte.net
It will be published by Meloarte in the artist’s page
Up to 60 works and biography, texts, link to events in www.melobox.it and link to your video
€ 60
Cost/year € 120 ( Vat included)
Up to 90 works
Artist send text and photo to info@meloarte.net
It will be published by Meloarte in the artist’s page
Up to 90 works and biography, texts, link to events in www.melobox.it and link to your video
€ 120
Payments can also be made through:
IBAN : IT59Z3608105138298849698881
(Poste Italiane)
intestato a
Maria Teresa Majoli
intestata a Maria Teresa Majoli
5333 1711 7708 4072
Fill in the form to complete your subscription
Or download the form << registration form >>
The user of www.meloarte.net agrees to publish their ads and articles in their own profile in accordance with the rules below.
For all users: no sales commissions
Each artist will be responsible for the sale of his artworks.
Artists can publish material related to their artworks, biography, curriculum, critical notes, and ads in the number allowed by their own profile
The ads are related to the artworks to be sold, or simply to exhibit online with photos, texts and videos.
Artists can put the link to their site only if they own a personal site.Links to other portals or other commercial websites or blogs, art galleries or associations are excluded.
On the artist’s page You can add videos from Youtube, Facebook or Vimeo, only if they concern the artist himself, with the exception of videos that have any advertising content to other portals or other commercial websites or blogs, art galleries or associations
The portal offers an advertising service to the subscriber who can not give it to others.
Ad Content
Only ads related to works of your own creation can be published. You ensure that you have intellectual property on what you submit for publication. You can only use content you own (photos, texts) or for which you have permission to use it. No third party rights, copyright, trademark rights, etc … must be violated
You must verify that the content of your ad is in compliance with these terms of use: any user who is not respected may be blocked and your ads will be removed.
The administrator of www.meloarte.net reserves the right not to publish or remove an ad violation of these terms of use, or third party rights, regardless of any payment made and without the advertiser being able to receive a refund.
If an ad is removed from the site, the user can edit the content to match the publishing rules.
If you believe an advertisement violates your intellectual property rights, your copyright or other intellectual property rights, we encourage you to report it as soon as possible by sending an email to info@meloarte.it so that we can take appropriate action in the shortest possible time.
Entries from artists, associations, artists’ attorneys, newsagents, advertising agencies, galleries etc. are not allowed.
The site administration reserves the right to refuse registration or the right of cancellation if there is any doubt about the proper use of the site itself.
www.meloarte.net does not guarantee continuous and uninterrupted access to the site and its services, which may be affected by factors outside its control..
The user is personally responsible for the content of the ads that he publishes.
www.meloarte.net has no responsibility in the content posted by users.
The administrator of www.meloarte.net is not liable for any economic loss, direct or indirect damages, including any loss or damage suffered by users or third parties as a result of using the site or its services.
In any case, any compensation eventually due by www.meloarte.net is limited to the amount of the user-paid tariffs in the previous 12 months and in any case up to the maximum amount of € 120
Sending the material for the publication the artist allows the publication on www.meloarte.net
Personal informations will be processed in accordance with the current privacy policy
Our communications will be sent to the email address provided during registration or, if disabled, to the registered address.
Our communications will be sent to the email address provided during registration or, if disabled, to the registered address.
Variations in terms of use
Terms of use are subject to updates, so they can change over time.If we change our terms, the terms of subscription use will remain valid until your the subscription expires.
Users can submit complaints, requests, questions, support requests, to our mail info@meloarte.net
N.B. The site administrator of the site can reject the registrations in case of precedents behaviors non conforms to the rules or in case that the material to be published is immoral or excessively tasteless
di Giulio Ferrieri Caputi
via Marradi 62/68, 57126 Livorno
P IVA 01666760499 REA LI 0147295
Tel. 0586 578592
www.ilmelograno.eu www.melobox.it www.meloarte.net www.gallerialivorno.it www.artelivorno.it